Mask is an extension for TYPO3, with which you can easily create your own content elements without having to be a developer. This is because Mask allows you to compile the required fields for the new content element simply using drag & drop. The TYPO3 extension also makes it possible to extend page properties with desired fields in this way. Mask generates a fluid template for each created content element, which can also be customized.

In this documentation, however, we will only introduce you to the content elements and their functionality that are available in Website-Base. The Mask Elements contain useful content elements that can be used to easily integrate special content and quickly implement special display forms.


The Testimonial Mask element makes it easy to highlight quotes. Use the element to present customer testimonials in an appealing way, for example. Click Create new in the content element to create a new quote and add the text and author. In addition, you can also attach an image that appears to the right of the citation in the frontend. You can place as many citations as you want in a content element.

Testimonial in the frontend

And this is how the content element with an image looks like in the frontend. You can also see it on our preview page.

Highlight Box

With a Highlight Box you can display important information on your website in a special way. In contrast to areas, highlight boxes can only be filled with text. However, they can be inserted into grids. The symbol you see here will be encountered when creating a highlight box as well as in the content area.

Tab General

When editing highlight boxes, you must primarily edit the General tab. All other tabs are adjusted only in exceptional cases.

Type & Column

In the Type field you can see in which content element you are currently located. The Column tells you where the element is placed. 

Header, Type, Type (visual), Alignment

Under Header you enter a title for the content element and define the layout of the heading in the Type field below. In addition, you can define a different visual heading level, as well as the alignment of the heading.


In the Rich Text Editor you enter your text as usual.

Background Style

Five different styles are available for the background. The colours in brackets correspond to the standard design of the website base: Primary (dark blue), Success (cyan), Info (grey), Warning (yellow), Danger (red).

Highlight Boxes in Frontend

FAQ / Accordion

The mask element FAQ / Accordion displays simple text content as an accordion or as a FAQ element for questions and answers. The latter generates structured data that Google can use to better display the search results of the page. With a simple accordion, content can be displayed in a clearly ordered manner By the way, almost all content, whether text or images, can be accommodated in the Grid element Accordion.

The Mask Element FAQ / Accordion is an easily configurable content element that allows content to be displayed quickly and easily in a clear manner. To create the accordion you only need to fill in the fields in the General tab.

Tab General

Create and Embed Structured FAQ Data from these Elements

If you check this box, a FAQ element will be generated, otherwise an accordion will be formed.

Expanded by default

The accordion elements are normally collapsed in the frontend and can be expanded when clicked. This checkbox can be used to specify that the current elements are always expanded.

Questions-Header Type

Each element in the accordion has a question or header. Specify here which header level each question in this accordion element should have.


An element corresponds to an accordion line or a question and the corresponding answer. Click on Create new under Elements to add a new 'line'. In contrast to the grid element accordion, all 'rows' are located in one content element and can only be edited there.

Question / Header

The field for question / header corresponds to the title of the article or the question of the FAQ element. It can be seen before the element is expanded. In the frontend click in the field where the header name appears to expand or collapse the article.

Non-Collapsible Preview

Here you can enter a small preview text that can be seen without having to unfold the element. This text is not included in the structured data.

Answer / Content

In this field, enter the answer or content in the Rich Text Editor.

Image & Image alignment

You can also assign an image to the article. To add an image, simply click on Create new relation and select an image from the file list. You can also set the image alignment.

Show expanded when page is loaded

Normally all articles are collapsed when a page opens. If you want to display an article unfolded when the page is loaded, set a check mark at this point.

Additional Content Elements

It is possible to insert further content elements under the main content. These will not include the structured data.

Media adjustments

Here you can set the height and/or width for all media of the FAQ / accordion content element. 

Accordion in Frontend

Feature Comparison

The content element for the feature comparison allows you to compare up to four products in terms of their features and price in a table. It does not matter how many features are compared with each other. With this element, the advantages of certain products can be presented without much effort and in a clear manner.

Tab General

Header, Type, Type (visual), Align und Subheader

If you specify a header, it will appear directly above the table. Specify the title with type (header level), which may differ from the visual header level (the actual header level seen in the frontend). Also specify the alignment of the heading. The subtitle will appear under the title.


To create features use the Create new button and fill in the feature name. Optional is a feature description, where you can specify more detailed information about the feature. If a feature is already created, you can create features both above and below the created element. It is also possible to move features to a desired location at any time.


For the item, you can set the name, description, prices and a link in the General tab. The name is at the top of the table and directly below it are the other item details.

In the Features tab there is a list of all features where you can select which features the article contains. Should a feature require more information for this article, you can specify this under additional information. In order for the additional information to be shown in the frontend, the feature must be activated in the corresponding item.

Feature Comparison in the frontend

You can check out the feature comparison element on our preview page.


The Popup element allows editors to quickly and easily add a popup component to any page. The content, width of the window and the triggers can be configured and adjusted at any time.

Tab General

In the General tab you define the content or the appearance and further behavior of the popup.

Upper Content & Content

The upper content will be the title bar. The content is below it. Both can be any content element. You add a content element via the Create new button and change the content element in the drop-down menu under Type if required.

The two contents can be edited in the popup element as well as individually accessed via the content area to edit them separately.

Minimum time

The minimum time is the time that should elapse before the user sees the popup again after it is closed. If the value is 0, the popup will reappear in the next session.

Maximum width

Set the width of the popup window.

Store time

If you want the time of closing on link call to be saved, activate the checkbox here.

Tab Triggers

This tab is used to determine when the popup should appear:

  • Exit intent: when attempting or intending to leave the page
  • Time to open automatically: after opening the page x seconds will pass before the popup opens
  • Scroll depth: determine that the popup appears after e.g. after 50% of the page length


The JavaScript code does not need to be customized and should only be customized by people with the appropriate technical expertise.

Popup in the frontend

In the screenshots below, you can see how a popup can look like and where the top content and the content is located. There is also a demo popup created in our preview page that is triggered on exit intent.


The content element Card makes it easy to distinguish products or important information from other content. With a wide range of options for designing the cards, you can easily create the perfect design. The symbol that is shown here identifies the Mask Element Card when creating and editing the content element as well as in the content area.

Tab General

Header, Type, Type (visual), Alignment

Enter a title under Header and define the heading level in the Type field below. Under Type (visual), you can set the heading layout that will actually be displayed in the frontend. Finally, specify the alignment of the heading.

Card title

The card title appears at the top of the map, as you can see in the screenshot below The title is 'connected' to the map, while the Header appears above the map.


With a badge you mark a content or a product as special. You should therefore only use this field if you want to highlight a product or information.


The image appears above the map title and text. If you insert a badge, it will be 'stretched' over the upper right corner of the image.

Maximum image height

Set the maximum image height in pixels. Enter a desired value for this. If there should be no maximum height, enter nothing or the value '0'.


Enter the content or article into the Rich Text Editor.

Button Label

The button appears at the bottom of the card. You can use it to link to a product page or an external page.

Button type

Seven different colors can be set for buttons. In the Design Configurator the colours can be adjusted, but by default the following colours are available: Default (gray), Primary (dark blue), Info (light gray), Success (turquoise), Warning (yellow), Danger (red), Simple Link (colorless background / a simple link).


Click the link icon under Link. Select an internal page in the window that appears or enter an external URL and link the button at the bottom of the map. (Without a link you basically don't need to insert a button label).

The figure below shows how different maps can look like. For more card variations just visit our preview page.

Cards in Frontend

Google Maps

The content element Google Maps allows you to integrate a dynamic map in just a few steps. The user can move the map, zoom in and out, view it in full-screen mode or in Street View. Whether a marker is set or a description is inserted can be set individually.

Tab General

Type, Column & Header

The Type field shows you in which content element you are currently working. The Column field indicates where the content element is located. You enter the Header in the free field and specify the layout of the title in the Type field below.

Latitude, Longitude & Address

The coordinates or the address you enter here are displayed in the middle of the map (however, there is no marker for the exact location yet).

Zoom Level, Width & Height

You can determine how much the map should be displayed enlarged or reduced by using the zoom function. The default setting is 13. The screenshot below shows how this level looks in the frontend. With the width and height you can set the size of the area around the specified address or coordinates. The specifications can be made in pixels or percent. The default setting is 100 % width and 200 px height. In a 2-column map the map would take 100 % of the width of a column.

Show controls

By default, the controls are not activated for the user. If you want your site visitors to see the buttons for zoom in and zoom out as well as for Google Street View, you must check this box.


You use markers to label a location. You can also define several markers on a map, for example to show main and outbuildings or to point out prominent houses in the area for better orientation.

To create or edit a marker, proceed as follows:

  1. Under Marker, click Create new.
  2. Enter the coordinate or latitude and longitude or the address.
    • The address also serves as the name of the marker. If you enter latitude and longitude, you can use the address field to name the marker.
  3. Upload a custom icon for the marker and link it by clicking on Create new relation.
    • By default, Google uses a red marker, as shown in the screenshot.
  4. To make a marker no longer visible in the frontend, simply activate the checkbox under Hide marker. When you remove the check mark, the marker will be visible again.
    • With this option, unused markers do not need to be deleted and can be used again at any time.
  5. Enter information about the set location into the text editor and specify whether the text appears when the page is loaded or only when the marker is clicked. With a check mark at Activate, the info box will appear without a click.

Google Maps in Frontend

Here you can see a screenshot of a map with controls, a marker and the width of 100 % and a height of 200 px.

Static Map

With the Static Map you create an image of a map. An image as a map is good for the performance of your site, because no large amount of data needs to be loaded. However, a simple screenshot can cause legal problems. Therefore, there is the possibility to insert a static map. This can also be adapted to your own design.


Before you can embed a static map in a page, you need a Google Account. With this account you can get an API Key (API = Application Programming Interface). This allows Google to track how often the map was loaded on a page. Above a certain number of map views, the service becomes chargeable, which is why you always have to provide Google with your credit card data for the key. However, since you can limit daily use, you can also avoid possible costs.

To obtain an API Key, proceed as follows:

  • Log in to Google with your personal login data.
  • Then go to the Google Maps platform:
  • Click on Get Started.
  • In the window that appears, select Maps and click Next.

Select an existing project or create a new project. Click Next.

If you have not yet created a Google billing account, you will need to create one here.

Tab General

Type, Column & Header

In the first field Type you can see which content type you are currently editing. The Column field shows where the content is located. You enter the Header in the free field and define the layout of the title in the Type field below.

Address of the map center

Enter the address that should be located in the middle of the map here. Follow the example given in the content element.

Width, Height & Zoom level

Specify how wide and how high the map should be on your page. Note that the maximum width and height of the map is 640 px. Larger maps can only be used by Google Premium customers. As with the dynamic Google map, the zoom is set to 13 by default. You can see how the zoom level works on our Preview Page.

Type of the map

Four options are available for the card type: Roadmap, Satellite, Terrain & Hybrid. Only if you select Roadmap can you use the Styling field, which allows you to customize the generated image of the map according to your wishes.


In the field Styling you enter a JSON file, which you can generate on the following page: Select at the top how dense roads and markers should be displayed. Next, select a layout. At this point you could already have the file created. To further customize the map, click on More Options. The map can be color-coded to match your corporate design. When you go to Finish, a new dialog box appears from which you have to copy the JSON file to insert it into the TYPO3 content element.

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To set a Marker, click Create New and enter the address to which the marker should point. You also have the option of using your own icon instead of the standard marker. To do this, upload an icon in the filelist and create new relation within the marker.

Static Map in Frontend (left)


The download element allows to create a list of files for a download including optional descriptions for each file. The type of the files is not important. Instead of a file you can also add a link to the download list. All added files will be opened in a new browser tab in the frontend when you click on them.

Tab General

Type & Column

In the field Type you can change the type of the content element and under Column you can see in which column the content is located in the content area.


For each entry in the download list you have to add one file with Create new. After adding an image/file, the fields for image metadata and image manipulation are available.


Instead of a file from the file list it is possible to insert a link. This link is only used if no file has been added.


The description is used as a list entry in the frontend. Otherwise the file name or the URL is used.

Downloads in Frontend


The mask element Products allows you to display your offered items clearly and visually appealing in cards. Up to four products can be placed in a row with the element. Selected products can be highlighted with a badge.

Tab General

To create a product, you simply use the Create new button. After that you just need to fill in the product information Product Title, Badge, Description, Features, Tems and CTAs. You don't necessarily have to use all the fields. For example, if the badge field is not needed, no badge will appear in the frontend if nothing is filled.

You can create up to four products, which then appear next to each other in the frontend. The position of the products can be changed using the arrows.

Products in the frontend

You can see the result in the frontend on our preview page.


Sliders are often used as headers of a web page. They are also suitable for image or product galleries or to present the portfolio of a company. A slider, like the other mask elements, is easy to configure. For a sliding slider you create at least two slides in the General tab. If you create only one slide, this will result in a static image over which you can place a text.

Tab General

Autoplay Interval

In this field, you specify after how many seconds the picture should change. The default setting is eight seconds. In the example video below, the images move in intervals of three seconds.


In our website base it is possible to set the sliders small, medium or fullscreen. In the example video you see a slider with medium setting on our preview page a slider in full screen.

Slider settings: Navigation dots

If you create multiple slides, they will switch at the specified interval. If you enable the navigation points, the user will have the possibility to move the slides by himself.


To add a new slide, simply click the button Create new and then configure the slide.


The image, graphic, or video fills the slide. Only one media content is possible per slide. To add an image, simply go to the Create new relation button and select the desired content from the file list.


You can enter the text as usual in the RTE and use its full design options. Attention: If you insert a link here, you can no longer use the link option below.

Vertical & horizontal alignment of the text

Specify how the text should be aligned.


You can link only the text on the slide, or link the whole image. For this, you need to set a link at this point. Simply click on the link icon and select an internal page or link an external URL in the window that appears. If you link the slide here, there should be no link in the text.

Slide settings

Here you can set a background, text shadow or box, or animation for the text if needed.

Slider in Frontend

Simple Tab-Element

With the Tab-Element you can display text content clearly and arranged in tabs. As with the accordion, you can use related information, which can be easily divided into categories/topics such as product information. The Simple Tab element can be created very quickly, because you only need to follow a few steps in the General tab to configure the content element.

Tab General

Content & Column

Under Type you can see which element type you are currently editing. The Column field shows where the content is located. You enter the 

Header, Type, Type (visual), Alignment

Header in the free field and specify in the Type field below it which layout it should have. In the Type (visual) field, you can specify the layout of the heading regardless of the level and define the alignment in the field below.


To add a new tab, simply click on the Create new button and fill in the fields for caption and content.

Tab Label

The tab label corresponds to the tab title within the content element Simple Tab-Element and is also displayed as a title in the frontend. The tab label is therefore always visible.

Tab Content

You add the tab content and edit it in the Rich Text Editor. The content is only visible in the frontend if the user has clicked on the relevant tab.

On your page, the Simple Tab element will look similar to the screenshot below. In our example there are only two tabs, you can of course create more, as shown on our preview page.

Simple Tab-Element in Frontend

Would you like to know more?

All information about the available editions can be found on the webpage for our TYPO3 Website-Base. You have the possibility to get a Website at a Fixed Price or you decide for a Website as a Service package, with which no further costs for hosting or security and function updates will come up to you.