In the page properties, it is not the page content that is edited, but additional information such as title or visibility. There are different page types - we will introduce four pages in more detail: Standard, Shortcut, News and Category. The editing options are divided into different tabs and are partly the same for different pages, so here we will explain the tabs that appear on (almost) all types.

You can access the page properties by right-clicking in the page tree on Edit in the drop-down menu or when you are in the Page module in the page you want to edit: Above the content area there are different buttons with options.

From left to right, the following six options can be seen above the content area: Language selection, View webpage (in the new window/browser tab), Collapse all grid columns and Expand all columns (arrows) and Edit page properties.

Page Properties Tabs

You will find the following page property tabs for most page types. In general, however, you rarely need to exhaust all the editing options provided when creating a page. In any case, fill in the SEO data and in some cases, it is useful to create a relation or a teaser description under Resources, adjust visibility in the Access tab, select Categories or even add Notes. For news pages the option to mark the page as new until a certain date in the Appearance tab is also of particular interest. To optimize the presentation of the pages in search engines or Facebook and Twitter, you can use the SEO and Social Media tabs.


General SEO settings

The title for search engines serves as the headline of a search result. This should be meaningful, unique and yet concise. So that the headline is not shortened, it should not be longer than 55 characters.

The description is output to search engines as the text of the search engine result, which can be seen below the title and, in the best case, provides a concise overview of the content of the page. The text should also contain important keywords for the page. To avoid truncation, the description should not exceed 135 characters.

Robot instructions

'Index this page' and 'Follow this page' are settings for search engines and tell them how to handle a page. The checkmarks are set by default. Uncheck 'Index this page' if you don't want search engines to index the current page. This makes sense for pages that would not provide useful information to users, such as the imprint. The setting 'Follow this page' causes links of a page to be followed by the crawlers. You can turn this option off if, for example, there are links on a page that are not safe or that lead to pages you don't want your site to be associated with. Adjust these options only if you are sure and it is really necessary.


You use a canonical link when the current page contains the content of another page. This way you refer to the original page as the main page. When a search query is made, the main page is displayed. Search engine penalties due to duplicate content can be avoided in this way.


With the change frequency you can set how often search engines should consider changes on pages. The default setting 'none' simply means that no selection has been made for this. The priority determines how important a page is. A value of 0.5 is always automatically defined. The highest value is 1.0, which can be set for the homepage, for instance. In general, however, you can leave these settings at the default values if there is no reason to change them.

Social Media

In this tab, you can control the output of your page in Facebook and Twitter. For instance, if the page is shared on Facebook. Title and description are similar to the settings for search engines, but should be adapted to the respective medium to achieve an optimal display of your page. For this, you can also add an image for each of the social media.


Page Layout

The frontend layout is normally set to default. However, there are three other layouts available; if they are defined, you can use them. The marking as new is especially interesting for news pages, because you can display the latest news with a content element. You do not need to pay attention to the backend layout any further.

Replace Content

If you want to show the content of another page on the current page, you only have to select the relevant page here. For a news page, this option is located on the General tab. For reference and category pages, this option is not available.


Links to the Page

Decide whether links that lead to the current page will open in a new window.


Caching stores data temporarily to enable faster loading. In your TYPO3 system, a certain value is defined, which you can ask your admin for. If you want to change this value for a page, simply select the desired cache lifetime. All other settings for caching are rarely relevant for most editors.


Again, there is only one really important option for editors. You can decide whether you want to include the current page in the index search or not. Contents/pages not relevant for users can thus be excluded from the search on the website.


This tab can only be found in Standard and Shortcut pages.



You can add images using the Create new relation, Select & upload files and Add media by URL buttons. These files are used in the menu, for example.

TypoScript Configuration

Include an available Page TSconfig from extensions or create it yourself.


Here you can control the visibility of a page in relation to the language. You will also see an overview of whether or not there is already a translation of the page. Normally a non-translated page is displayed in the default language, even if the user has chosen another language. If there is a translation, this will be shown. The following options are available to control the output in different languages otherwise:

  • Active/Inactive: Indicates whether a page/translated page is available or not.
  • only if translated (only for translated pages): The page is only displayed if it is translated into the current language


In this tab you control the visibility of the page. The slider under Page visible has the same function as the slider for disable/enable a page. If you want to make the enabling and disabling time-bound, you can also set a publish date and/or an expiration date. When a page is activated in the menus, it will be visible in the frontend menu. Conversely, the page will no longer be shown in the menu, but the URL will still be available.

You can define user groups in the access rights. Only these groups can then access the content. On the right you see all available user groups. Click on a group. It will appear below the selected objects in the left field. To remove a group, click on the group on the left and then on the trash can icon. The object is now in the right field again. Now define the login behaviour.

An admin can also specify for each page that only an admin can edit that page.


You will find this tab only in Standard & Shortcut pages. The News page offers the possibility to select tags in the General tab.

Click on the checkboxes of the appropriate categories. By assigning them to categories, pages can be displayed and/or filtered, e.g. in menus or teasers.


This tab can also only be found in the Standard & Shortcut pages.

The note is not displayed in the frontend - it is only meant to be a note for an editor. The note is always visible above the page properties tabs.


Here you have the option of activating the comment function for standard pages.


Teaser Image

If you want to create teasers for the current page and the teaser should contain an image, add an image here using the Create new relation or Select and upload files buttons.

Teaser Description

The teaser description is used to display teasers of pages. A teaser can consist of the description and the page title or the image and title, or both combined. You can find more about this in the documentation on the teaser plug-ins, which can be used to display pages as teasers. To edit the teaser text, the Rich Text Editor is fully available. However, you should not include any links in the text! This can affect the display of the teaser and lead to errors, since the whole teaser is already generated as a link to the page.

Would you like to know more?

All information about the available editions can be found on the webpage for our TYPO3 Website-Base. You have the possibility to get a Website at a Fixed Price or you decide for a Website as a Service package, with which no further costs for hosting or security and function updates will come up to you.