The Website-Base may not be used to spread erotic, hate speech of any kind, gambling or religious content. It is also not allowed to run a streaming or file sharing service through the Website-Base. sgalinski reserves the right to close such sites without notice.
sgalinski assumes no liability for content posted on the Website-Base. Any liability lies with the operator of the respective website.
For security reasons, the operators of a Website-Base website are not permitted access to the server from which the website is operated. Similarly, admin access to the backend of the Website-Base will not be granted to anyone other than sgalinski. The operators receive all necessary rights of use to be able to manage their content and data independently from the backend of the Website-Base.
With the purchase of the product, you receive no rights to the source code. If you decide to change your provider after the minimum contract period has expired, data export is available for a fee of €50.